Call for Papers
The Editors of the online open access journal “S:I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation” published by the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies invite scholars to submit articles on any aspect of the history of the Holocaust in Central and Eastern Europe within the broader contexts of the European history of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. We encourage the submission of manuscripts covering topics addressing the antecedents, consequences, legacies, and memory of the Shoah and other genocides. Original contributions from a wide range of disciplines are welcome - including but not limiting to history, Jewish studies, sociology, literary studies, art history, cultural studies, digital humanities, and anthropology - mapping the interdisciplinarity of the field of Holocaust Studies.
S:I.M.O.N. appears twice a year. All articles are peer-reviewed, submissions are rigorously copy-edited and typically published within a year after submission.
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